Ladies and gentlemen, sometimes the weirdest methods can give you the best results. From honey wraps to onion socks, there are many different time-tested “weird” remedies that can help you treat and prevent many different health problems. That’s right! In this article, we’re going to talk about one of these “weird” remedies – the cabbage leaves! A quick question – did you know that cabbage leaves have the same properties as magnets?! The answer is YES! Cabbage leaves will help you pull out all the diseases and ailments from your body!
Wrap Your Legs with Cabbage Leaves Before You go to Sleep (You’ll be AMAZED by the Results!)

Cabbage is a super healthy vegetable, which is used as a great ingredient for making different types of meals and salads. It’s a cruciferous vegetable that belongs to the Brassica family. Cabbage contains high amounts of beta-carotene, insoluble fiber, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Vitamin K, and the minerals iodine, magnesium, iron, calcium and sulphur.
This super healthy vegetable has been used for centuries, due to its inexpensive and therapeutic healing properties. In ancient times, they were known as moon power because they grew under moon light. Today, cabbage juice can be used for the treatment of many ailments.

The MILLION-DOLLAR question – Red Cabbage vs. White Cabbage?!
What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comment section below. Well, if you have the option to pick, go with red cabbage over white, because red cabbage has more Vitamin C than white. It even has more vitamin C than oranges! We can also mention that red cabbage contains the antioxidant compound known as anthocyanins, a red flavonoid pigment that has many health benefits including skin care, reducing cancer and boosting the immune system. Red cabbage is also the winner of Vitamin K content as well as glucosinolates, a power cancer fighting substance.
Did you know that you can use cabbage leaves to reduce swelling and alleviate the pain from sore and inflamed joints?! How this works – cabbage and other cruciferous vegetables contain glucosinolate, an anti-inflammatory and cancer-fighting compound.
Follow the simple instructions:
  1. Cut out the stiff vein that runs through each leaf to help it mold onto your skin.
  2. Put the leaves on a cutting board lined with plastic wrap.
  3. Put the paper towel under and over the leaves and pound with a meat cleaver to activate the vegetable’s active compounds.
  4. Remove the leaves from the paper towel and place directly on your sore joint.
  5. Use a plastic wrap to keep it in place.
  6. Leave it for one hour. (Or overnight!)
  7. That’s it!
Ladies and gentlemen, we really hope you find this article helpful and don’t forget to share it with your friends and family. Thanks again and enjoy your day!
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